Friday, December 2, 2011

21+ Days of Gratitude - Day 1ish (as I am posting after midnight, lol)

Well, I'm stealing this idea from my Sis, who has a really cool blog ( Get Your Hair Done and Quit...  ). It's to post one thing every day leading up to Yule (Winter Solstice) that I am grateful for.  If I post till Yule, I'll get 22 things, but I wasn't including the day of, December 22.

So, today I am grateful for my immune system.  Yes, that's right, my immune system.  I know from being very sick at various times in my life, and from suffering from Fibromyalgia, that one should not take their immune system for granted.  I take care of myself so that my immune system can thrive. It's been a long trek of learning and trial and error, but I found a recipe that works for me.  If I don't waiver from it, I stay quite healthy and unaffected.  When I falter, I immediately begin the homeopathic remedies I'm sure many of you know as well as I do.

Vit C - lots! like 1000mg to 1500 mg a day. I like Jamieson's Chewable Vit C with Blueberry extract.
Vit D - Right now I'm taking SISU brand Vit D2 (sourced for the veg-heads like myself)  I tend to check for that with all my supplements
Echinacea - don't over do this one, just take it as recommended
Vit A - because there is no pre-formed Vit A available that is veg-head friendly, I boost through my digestive tract. With Organic Carrot Juice (great source! the fresher the better), Kale, Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato, Spinach... you'll get all you need.
Vit E -  check the source if you're a veg-head ;)
Vit B - supplement is made synthetically(B1 is the veg-head friendly one)

Along with these, some of which I take daily or twice weekly all the time anyway with other supplements like Cal/Mag, I drink herbal tea concoctions.

Good ingredients for teas are Elderflowers, hibiscus flowers, oregano (the essential oil is fabulous), rosehips, rosemary (also a great essential oil), saw palmetto berries, thyme, blue vervain, I like adding organic Nettle Leaves as well. I'm sure there are plenty of others, but that's what I currently use.

So yeah, I don't have to use any of this very often, and I start using it when I feel the vestiges of sick, which totally bombards the sick away. Yay Immune System!!  And I don't get anyone sick on set! Can't say others on set are quite as courteous, but mostly.  ;D

I haven't had a bad cold in years, I am happy to say. And that's pretty great considering I used to get sick at least twice a year, for months and months at a time. Just when thought I was almost over the last one I would get sick again. Not any more!  Yippee! (knock on wood and thank the Universe!!)

My day one gratitude is:


Happy December 1st all!  ;D

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