Friday, December 2, 2011

21+ Days of Gratitude - Day 1ish (as I am posting after midnight, lol)

Well, I'm stealing this idea from my Sis, who has a really cool blog ( Get Your Hair Done and Quit...  ). It's to post one thing every day leading up to Yule (Winter Solstice) that I am grateful for.  If I post till Yule, I'll get 22 things, but I wasn't including the day of, December 22.

So, today I am grateful for my immune system.  Yes, that's right, my immune system.  I know from being very sick at various times in my life, and from suffering from Fibromyalgia, that one should not take their immune system for granted.  I take care of myself so that my immune system can thrive. It's been a long trek of learning and trial and error, but I found a recipe that works for me.  If I don't waiver from it, I stay quite healthy and unaffected.  When I falter, I immediately begin the homeopathic remedies I'm sure many of you know as well as I do.

Vit C - lots! like 1000mg to 1500 mg a day. I like Jamieson's Chewable Vit C with Blueberry extract.
Vit D - Right now I'm taking SISU brand Vit D2 (sourced for the veg-heads like myself)  I tend to check for that with all my supplements
Echinacea - don't over do this one, just take it as recommended
Vit A - because there is no pre-formed Vit A available that is veg-head friendly, I boost through my digestive tract. With Organic Carrot Juice (great source! the fresher the better), Kale, Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato, Spinach... you'll get all you need.
Vit E -  check the source if you're a veg-head ;)
Vit B - supplement is made synthetically(B1 is the veg-head friendly one)

Along with these, some of which I take daily or twice weekly all the time anyway with other supplements like Cal/Mag, I drink herbal tea concoctions.

Good ingredients for teas are Elderflowers, hibiscus flowers, oregano (the essential oil is fabulous), rosehips, rosemary (also a great essential oil), saw palmetto berries, thyme, blue vervain, I like adding organic Nettle Leaves as well. I'm sure there are plenty of others, but that's what I currently use.

So yeah, I don't have to use any of this very often, and I start using it when I feel the vestiges of sick, which totally bombards the sick away. Yay Immune System!!  And I don't get anyone sick on set! Can't say others on set are quite as courteous, but mostly.  ;D

I haven't had a bad cold in years, I am happy to say. And that's pretty great considering I used to get sick at least twice a year, for months and months at a time. Just when thought I was almost over the last one I would get sick again. Not any more!  Yippee! (knock on wood and thank the Universe!!)

My day one gratitude is:


Happy December 1st all!  ;D

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Did I say occasional?

Well, seems like I meant it.  It's just another day. Since that last blog, I haven't had much happening. I've had a few more days of work on set, Elysium(some cool green screen stuff), Psych(got to be a prison guard in an all women's prison, and Jaleel White and Kristy Swanson were guest starring, cool), and Fringe! I love that show(Anna Torv and Lance Reddick always ready for action).  Anna definitely rocks the blonde better than the red.

I am trying to get myself ready to audition for a principle agent. I am auditioning for Julie Kay and Sonya Siltani of Boss Management Inc. located here in Vancouver. I'm already with Boss for my background work, so it's an easy decision, as I've gotten to know Julie on our many convos at the office. Wonderful energetic woman. :D  And Sonya, who is also the founder of Boss Management, is amazing and involved in many aspects of the industry. I've been learning so much more than I ever knew about the business just by listening to them. I've also gained valuable knowledge from fellow actors and the various crew persons while on the many different sets. It's ALWAYS fantastic!

I can honestly say, I have NEVER had a bad day on set. I love the long or the short hours, the good and the questionable weather, the early or the late shoots, everything! We do it because we love it, right?  My only complaint on occasion is when there is no vegan choice from catering. At least there's ALWAYS salad. I do try to have at least one snack from home packed in by bag when I go to set.  ;D

Well, wish me luck in memorizing my monologues for my audition, I want it to be perfect. LOL!!

Later gaters!  Meegwetch!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Summer is half over?!

Wow!  Time flies when you're a starving artist!  I have worked a total of two days this month!   Urgh!  Wth?!


"They" keep saying the industry here will pick up.  You know.  After slow season is over (DONE), it's a late start because shows were cancelled(true, but some were also picked up), after the HST referendum here in BC(never should have been put in place in the first place!) which is set to be closed on Aug 5th (get your votes in!).  Well, Elysium is filming here, and is so far my paltry income helper.  I've never, NEVER, seen it so slow.  How's a girls supposed to pay her bills and eat?  O.O

Have to admit, it was tres tres tres exciting to see Matt Damon on set!  Was staring right at him as he walked towards me and I didn't even recognize him at first!  Not because it didn't look like him, but because I never expected to get that close to him!  LOL!  He got closer and closer and when he was a few feet away, it donned on me.  He smiled big at my look of surprised recognition and chuckled when I then said "Hi there!".  Good grief, I'm not usually a star-struck acting kinda person, but wow!  He's just a cute in person, and that smile is killer!  :D

So, on a different day I had the wonderful chance to have Alice Braga walk by me.  She's shorter than I thought she'd be and pretty.

I don't tend to try to talk to the main actors on set, I know how it is.  I've been a principal before plenty and you do need to focus.  If a main isn't in need of that, THEY'LL let you know.  They'll make eye-contact and smile, which is more that nice of them, or even talk to you.  Danny Glover is like that.  I worked on a show with him in it and he was so nice about talking to the other young actors of African descent.  I'm sure it was bombastic for them!

I have had the opportunity of talking to some of my faves as well!  Like Graham Green, prominent Native Actor!  He's great!  Easy going and fun.  I loved that experience.  Same with Tom Jackson, he's so tall in person.  You know he's tall, but then he's in front of you and it's like, Wow!  His voice is so pleasant too!

I am happy to say that I have yet to have a bad experience.  There have been some unpleasant weather scenarios, and low budget films/tv shows can be tough at times if you come unprepared, but they are all worthy experiences.  As a vegan, the food can be challenging too, but most projects have great caterers.

Well, that's my stuff for today!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Twas Canada Day!

Gotta say, I love Canada Day!!  I am so proud to be a Canadian, for so many many reasons!  I'm proud to be a Native Canadian, and to be blessed be a wonderful mix of nationalities.  I am Cree, Cayuse, Scots and Norwegian.  I love all my parts!  And it makes me feel even more Canadian as a result.  I went to the festivities with some of my wonderful family members, and it was a blast!  Too bad it all ended at 7, and there was a 3 1/2 hour gap between the entertainment and the fireworks.  As a result, we didn't stay to watch.  

Not a bad idea as we saw the throngs and hoards of happy people surging to the waterfront to get a good view.  A happy gathering, but a little too crowded for my liking.

Anyway, earlier we got to listen to awesome bands, my two faves were The Irish Descendants from Newfoundland, and...  EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!  THE GRAPES OF WRATH!!  I love these guys, and both bands definitely didn't disappoint!  We toured the military venue on hand, which was very well presented and always makes me feel pride swelling in my chest.  My older brother has been in for just over 20 years, I am so proud of him!!  We ate the famous Japadogs.  I was actually disappointed, they definitely weren't willing to negotiate my sauce to make mine vegan friendly.  Oh well, won't eat there again.  My other family members enjoyed theirs though.  :D

One of the best parts was watching the variety of people around us. we managed to find a great spot to sit and view.  There were smiles everywhere!  It was so refreshing and joyful!  

On a small downside, my Uncle Bert had a less than awesome Canada Day in Edmonton, Alberta.  He encountered racism, which we all know should have been abolished ages ago!  I'm going to recopy his experience ver batem because I think it's an important story to share.  I am proud of how he handled the situation, and the wisdom he shared the next day, with some words of WISDOM from a friend of his Lyndon Oochoo :

I thought I’d put on my red shirt and go out and celebrate Canada Day by going to the Gallery Bar in the Mayfield Inn and playing pool with friends. 

I’m proud to be a Canadian and always open to people from other races and culture. I really didn’t understand why some Native people still have a real hatred to white people.

Unfortunately I do now. There were three skin heads playing pool and I put my $$$$ down to play the next game. I didn’t realize they were skin heads and they did everything they could to delay the games.

When my turn came, he broke and took the 8 ball and put it in the corner pocket and said you win..AND LAUGHED IN MY FACE. He turned and he and his buddies were giving each other high fives, laughing at how they made a fool out of a person who wasn’t as pure as they were.

Man was I pissed. My first reaction was to tune him up with my cue… but I kept my cool. The worst thing was they kept laughing and pointing at me all night. I kept getting pissed off and was tempted to follow them home and show them a little Indian justice.

My friend kept reminding me that it wasn’t worth it. I now really understand how our people feel when this happens to them and the anger and hatred it creates. Coming home, I was reminded of a saying my great great grandfather Chief Crowfoot had He said, “ I have friends and I have enemies…. I have white friends and I have Indian friends…. I have white enemies and I have Indian enemies…. I have friends and I have enemies….

I just wanted to add…. “There are assholes…. There are white assholes and there are Indian assholes.… Yes there are assholes....” The world is full of them…. And I happened to meet three of them tonight.

I also remembered that I have many white friends who have treated me with respect and honor and I’m not going to let three racists ruin my day..

I hope every one had a happy Canada Day….

That happened yesterday and last night Uncle Bert posted his Story.
Then today, he posted on Facebook a comment by his friend Lyndon Oochoo
I am leaving the Facebook formatting in so you can see what Bert said and what Lyndon said.

Bert Crowfoot: After last night I thought I'd share this beautiful post by Lyndon Oochoo
once again the creator blessed us with the oppurtunity to awaken and share this world with each other, maybe we should just stop and give thanx for the way the creator has made us, it doesnt matter what size or shape we are , we are all made the way the creator wanted us to be, when someone teases or just makes remarks about ppl

Lyndon Oochoo: they arent makin fun of the person they are talking about , they are makin fun of the work the Creator has done, and they will have to answer for it..some ppl just like going around saying mean stuff to other ppl because,of their own imperfections or because they think they are funny..they dont stop to think of the ppl they hurt with the things they say..i feel really sorry for the ppl who go around doing this, because when its their turn to leave this world they will have alot of apologizing to do and begging for forgiveness, not to us but to the spirit that made us who we are...

Lyndon Oochoothis makes me think of the animals i work with (horses)..i have come to see and work with alot of beautiful horses in my days, horses that everybody admired and wanted..but then i also worked with horses that didnt look so perfect that ppl laffed at..the ones that were admired were usually the ones that gave me the most problems, it was the other ones that turned out to be the the easiest to work with always willing to learn and accept what they must endure in life, those are the ones that ppl will enjoy the most...those are the ones that make the BEST FREINDS...

I will always appreciate the wisdom and learning that my elders share.  Thanks to them!

Have a great day everyone!  :D

Thursday, June 30, 2011


So, today is the last day of June.  We on the We(s)t Coast are still waiting for summer to spill forth in warm splendor.  Don't get me wrong, summer is here, everything is growing and lovely, allergies have made their appearance.  It just hasn't been hanging out on a beach, have to jump into something cool, kind of warm.  I have managed to start my zebra tan though.  Dang.

Zebra Tan - the type of tan lines I get, whether I want them or not.  Even with sunscreen.  So my body ends up being quite multi coloured.  I even use sunscreen and mostly cover up to try to avoid it.  And I just can't bring myself to go to a tanning salon to try to even out.  :O

Ah well, I do the best I can, and if I ever ended up having to do a nude scene in a film, or on stage, that's what body make-up is for.  LOL!!

Anyway, day before our awesome Canada Day, and it's gloomy out.  It's not raining though, so I think maybe tennis will be somewhere in the list of to-do's.  And I haven't heard from my agent, so no new work, dang!  What a slow sad film season so far.

Oh yeah!  I've been looking for film monologues to prep for the required audition to get a new agent.  The prospective agent was kinda as clear as mud when it came to what she wanted, so I'm going with what I think will be appropriate.  And when I finally pick three, they'll be memorized completely, and we're good to go.  More on that later I guess.

Have a happy one!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So, lately it's been my quest to get fitter.  I really want to be able to fit into more of those wardrobe sizes they have on set.  LOL!  Well, I've been power walking more, some light jogging (nothing spectacular), and doing yoga (my Sis is on the same plan as me and she is starting a Yoga Party every Tuesday, yay!).  I also do yoga at home.

TODAY... I went hiking.  It was my first of the summer actually, so pretty exciting!  It did NOT disappoint.  I saw slugs by the hundreds!  The Salmon Berries were all ripe, colourful and plump.  Yes, of course I plucked a few and popped them in my mouth.  Soooooo good!  I climbed up the side and back of Burnaby Mountain.  It was so wonderful!  I could smell the trees and wild flowers!  The oxygen was stimulating!  And even though it wasn't sunny, it was breathtaking!  I'm so glad I went.

I have lost 2 lbs in the first week, yay!  Let's see were this goes...  heh heh.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Last week of June!

Well, here we go again.  Another week of no bookings!  What is going on here!  Everyone keeps saying it's because the HST is still unsure before the referendum happens.  I'm sure when that's over, it'll be something else.  How's a girl supposed to eat?

I got some new portfolio shots done.  Nice headshots by my brother-in-Law, Philip Robinson.  I might try to post a few, if I can figure out how, LOL!  Hopefully I can pick some kick-arse non-theatrical tv/movie monologues to take to my prospective agent for a great audition for her.  If she picks me up, which I'm pretty sure she will, maybe a year long contract first.  A handfasting of sorts, LOL!

Well, that's it for today.  I'll try to figure out those pics.  Oh yeah, I did work on a Movie of the Week that is starring Laura Prepon.  Yup, she's still VERY blonde.  It was pretty cool!  I played a homeless person.  ;D

Keep on keepin on!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Gee, it always seems like a flash of time before I get back to my blog.  I guess it's just me trying to keep busy.  Work is sooooo slow lately.  I've been booked maybe a handful of times in the last two months.  Crazy.

Well, I did just get back from a wonderful trip to this Island, 3 glorious days.  Qualicum Beach was beautiful, as always.  My boyfriend was awesome, as always.  And I hated leaving, as always.  I can be such a baby.  I am always amazed that he keeps loving me, but I suppose on the other side, I keep loving him also.  <3

Tomorrow I work on "The Killing Zone".  Should be interesting.  It's a gorgeous blue skyed day, and I suppose I should start thinking about getting out in it.

Have a good one all.  ;D

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Oh yeah!

Today I ate veggie dogs! Some actual veggies, an apple, 4 crackers, two really skinny pretzels, half a cup of popcorn, and two little pieces of candied ginger.


Today at work...

Wow!  I had a really strange day today.  I was working on a film with Dean Cain in it (aka. Superman).  It was outdoors, and cold!  But it was awesome!  Dean chatted with me a nano bit, and later gave me a high five!!  O.O

It was a long day, and I loved it!  I will never get tired of working in film, no matter what it is I'm doing.  :D