Thursday, June 30, 2011


So, today is the last day of June.  We on the We(s)t Coast are still waiting for summer to spill forth in warm splendor.  Don't get me wrong, summer is here, everything is growing and lovely, allergies have made their appearance.  It just hasn't been hanging out on a beach, have to jump into something cool, kind of warm.  I have managed to start my zebra tan though.  Dang.

Zebra Tan - the type of tan lines I get, whether I want them or not.  Even with sunscreen.  So my body ends up being quite multi coloured.  I even use sunscreen and mostly cover up to try to avoid it.  And I just can't bring myself to go to a tanning salon to try to even out.  :O

Ah well, I do the best I can, and if I ever ended up having to do a nude scene in a film, or on stage, that's what body make-up is for.  LOL!!

Anyway, day before our awesome Canada Day, and it's gloomy out.  It's not raining though, so I think maybe tennis will be somewhere in the list of to-do's.  And I haven't heard from my agent, so no new work, dang!  What a slow sad film season so far.

Oh yeah!  I've been looking for film monologues to prep for the required audition to get a new agent.  The prospective agent was kinda as clear as mud when it came to what she wanted, so I'm going with what I think will be appropriate.  And when I finally pick three, they'll be memorized completely, and we're good to go.  More on that later I guess.

Have a happy one!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So, lately it's been my quest to get fitter.  I really want to be able to fit into more of those wardrobe sizes they have on set.  LOL!  Well, I've been power walking more, some light jogging (nothing spectacular), and doing yoga (my Sis is on the same plan as me and she is starting a Yoga Party every Tuesday, yay!).  I also do yoga at home.

TODAY... I went hiking.  It was my first of the summer actually, so pretty exciting!  It did NOT disappoint.  I saw slugs by the hundreds!  The Salmon Berries were all ripe, colourful and plump.  Yes, of course I plucked a few and popped them in my mouth.  Soooooo good!  I climbed up the side and back of Burnaby Mountain.  It was so wonderful!  I could smell the trees and wild flowers!  The oxygen was stimulating!  And even though it wasn't sunny, it was breathtaking!  I'm so glad I went.

I have lost 2 lbs in the first week, yay!  Let's see were this goes...  heh heh.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Last week of June!

Well, here we go again.  Another week of no bookings!  What is going on here!  Everyone keeps saying it's because the HST is still unsure before the referendum happens.  I'm sure when that's over, it'll be something else.  How's a girl supposed to eat?

I got some new portfolio shots done.  Nice headshots by my brother-in-Law, Philip Robinson.  I might try to post a few, if I can figure out how, LOL!  Hopefully I can pick some kick-arse non-theatrical tv/movie monologues to take to my prospective agent for a great audition for her.  If she picks me up, which I'm pretty sure she will, maybe a year long contract first.  A handfasting of sorts, LOL!

Well, that's it for today.  I'll try to figure out those pics.  Oh yeah, I did work on a Movie of the Week that is starring Laura Prepon.  Yup, she's still VERY blonde.  It was pretty cool!  I played a homeless person.  ;D

Keep on keepin on!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Gee, it always seems like a flash of time before I get back to my blog.  I guess it's just me trying to keep busy.  Work is sooooo slow lately.  I've been booked maybe a handful of times in the last two months.  Crazy.

Well, I did just get back from a wonderful trip to this Island, 3 glorious days.  Qualicum Beach was beautiful, as always.  My boyfriend was awesome, as always.  And I hated leaving, as always.  I can be such a baby.  I am always amazed that he keeps loving me, but I suppose on the other side, I keep loving him also.  <3

Tomorrow I work on "The Killing Zone".  Should be interesting.  It's a gorgeous blue skyed day, and I suppose I should start thinking about getting out in it.

Have a good one all.  ;D